Marshall Concrete Products was founded in 1936 by Harold Flittie. We have been at our headquarters site in northeast Minneapolis ever since. In addition to our main ready mix plant in Minneapolis, we also have satellite ready mix plants in St. Paul and Ramsey. We manufacture and distribute concrete products such as concrete blocks, pavers, retaining wall blocks, and bagged cement out of our plant in Hutchinson, MN. The company is now owned by Jay Miller and Matt Miller, Harold’s grandson and Great Grandson, and we continue on the course that Harold set to provide quality products, specialty equipment and service to meet the needs of our customers.
In the early 1960’s Marshall was the first company in the metro area to use all wheel drive trucks to deliver ready mix. At this time, a majority of our mixer fleet is all wheel drive trucks. We have also been in the forefront of bringing front discharge mixer trucks to this market area. Front discharge trucks put the delivery driver right in front of the placement, so the driver can now move the truck and chutes to cut down on the labor required for placement. Over 70% of our fleet is comprised of front discharge ready mix trucks. We also have a selection of 50’ mixer mounted conveyors. These conveyors are a great help at placing concrete when the truck can’t be conveniently maneuvered to where the concrete will be placed.
Block delivery has also been an area of innovation at Marshall. We were the first block company in the Twin Cities market to use 35’ telescopic booms. We were also the first to use six wheel drive boom trucks. These longer booms are ideal for placing product in tight spaces or in foundations with limited access at the site. All of these equipment features have helped our customers place their concrete at a lower cost, with less labor- providing the end user with a better product at a lower total cost.
These days our focus is providing our customers with quality products, on time delivery, a variety of equipment options, and drivers and staff who go the extra mile to provide great service.